SSI Advanced Adventurer

What comes next after my SSI Advanced Adventurer course?

After you finish your Open Water course ask us about out many SSI Diving Specialty Programs like the SSI Stress and Rescue program.

For more information please get in contact today.

SSI Advanced Adventurer $299


  • Five dives from SSI Specialty programs
  • 2 Free dives
  • 3 Free nights in dorm or discounted private room

If you are unsure of your next step, have fallen in love with diving and want to dive more and more, this is the perfect way to advance your dive skills and experience, and to identify which Specialty programs might interest you. You will earn the SSI Advanced Adventurer certification after completing this program.

The main objective behind the this program is that it lets you experience 5 different diving environments, without requiring you to complete the entire specialty course. Even though we are only doing one dive from each specialty we will go in depth on that dive and give you the full knowledge to make the dive with the upmost safety.


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